etolit Wipes - Oberflächendesinfektion

Information about the Coronavirus

As a supplier of cleaning and disinfecting agents, we are also closely following the outbreak of the corona virus (SARS-CoV-2). The document “Information about the Coronavirus” contains infos about the virus and recommendations for reducing the risk of infection.

How to act in times of the coronavirus, especially in commercial canteen kitchens, can be found in our information sheet “Commercial rinsing in times of the coronavirus”.

The hygienically perfect disinfection of surfaces has always been an important topic for commercial kitchens and businesses. This importance is currently becoming particularly clear. In our current information sheet “Surface disinfection made easy” you will find information on how you can treat your surfaces quickly and easily with our etolit Wipes and Doyen F40.

Answers to frequently asked questions about the novel coronavirus are provided on the website of the Robert Koch Institute and updated regularly.