Logo bluline freigestellt
etol Kunststofftechnik, Tiefziehen, Sandwichteile, Speisentransportbox, Thermobox, Cloche, Einzelspeisenverteilung

bluline – Food Transport Container made of plastic

Versatile system for professional food distribution for canteens, hospitals and caterers
  • available in two transport sizes: blu’box 26 and blu’box 52
  • suitable for EN and GN containers
  • modular system for absolute flexibility
  • use as passive or active system possible
  • suitable for hot and cold transport
  • proper transport of food and beverages
  • suitable for dishwashers, hygienically cleanable
  • many spare and extension parts for a wide range of applications (circulating air heating, cooling battery, heating sword, …)
  • very robust and durable material

It is this versatility that makes the innovative blu’box series one of the leading systems in terms of food transport.

Let our experts advise you – you can find our product overview here.


T. +49 7804 41-113
F. +49 7804 41-169